
It's Here!

Industry Training Company

How do I ....

Get involved?!

Counterpoint has launched a pre-professional company for young performing artists in Arizona. During our year program, young singers, dancers, and actors will gain the necessary skills to be able to pursue a professional career in the performing arts.  The Program will run from September through to June.  Students will train in voice, acting, ballet, tap, jazz as well as learn other genres/styles of music theatre, contemporary and commercial dance and music. 

They will train in music theory and ear training, songwriting and learn the dos/donts of social media and having an online presence as upcoming performing artists. They will work on various production numbers and different projects such as a music video production workshop, competing in a dance competition, recording an album and going on tour to Nashville Tennessee at the end of the season. 


Fill out our form or email tracie@counterpointmusicarts.com for details on how to audition.

Counterpoint Entertainment